Thursday, 6 June 2013

The Smith's have regained their credibility!

David Cameron at the Salford Lads Club.
Today, after a grueling few months of misery at the idea of David Cameron being a Smith's fan, the people won. It was announced today that David Cameron is looking for a new favourite band to fill the gap of his so called love for the Smiths. What I really don't understand is - why he even liked them in the first place?

The Smiths were four working class boys from Manchester who formed a band in the middle of Thatcher's iron reign and weren't very happy about the job she was doing. Morrissey soon became a working class hero who not only stood up against the Conservative ethos but also wrote beautiful lyrics that captured the average teenagers heart and still does to this day.

In a way, I can see why Cameron may have liked the sound of the Smiths with the "to die by your side..." and "sing me to sleep" stuff but if he really listened he would know that this wasn't just an angsty young man but also an angry one who hated everything that Cameron had been brought up to stand for. For goodness sake, I would have thrown out my records if I were Tory when Morrissey released "Margaret on the Guillotine" - that would be like Ian Curtis singing a song about defacing Karl Marx's grave for a lefty!

I think the point is you can't be a Tory and listen to Lefty music... it's just a little bit ridiculous. He's just buried Thatcher yet when he gets home, he relaxes by listening to Morrissey slag her off... is it really any surprise that Morrissey and Marr banned him in the first place? If you ask me there is a slight wiff of hypocrisy here... In future Mr Cameron, stick to Joy Division!


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