... Awkwardly, I'm writing this on an iPhone!
There are a lot of reasons why I got an iPhone: it's top of the market, loads of apps, most of my friends have one. But after a year and a half, I'm coming to the end of my contract and so am starting think what phone shall I get next? Do I want an iPhone again? The answer is NO.
In fact, I'm jumping ship completely and considering Windows Phone as my next operating system. My friends gave me a bit of stick when I said this because "iPhones are always better!" but is that true or is that what Apple would have us believe? I know that when iPhone first came out it blew the whole world away and they have come up with some good ideas over the years (like Siri) but since the first model they haven't really innovated their product only repackaged it to make it look new.
I have a 3GS and other 3GS users are upset because iOS7 won't be compatible with their device but why? Your phone will do exactly the same as the new iPhone (bar a few tiny improvements) but your phone will look a bit different. Big woop, they are changing how the icons look and big woop the wallpaper moves with you... the phone is essentially the same only repackaged.
This is why I think Apple are one of the cleverest companies ever. They can manipulate their customers into buying something that is the same only prettier for double the price, it's genius.
The little activist in me also tells me not to buy an iPhone because their ethics are disgusting. The factories are appalling and I would say it is a small step up from slave labour. You may say they all do it but they would never get away with it if it was common knowledge.
Copying is something that is always in the news when it comes to Apple. "Ooh Samsung copied us!" - yes they did but your slate isn't clean either. I won't ramble on about that but
here is an article I found on what iOS7 has taken from Android alone!
The big killer is that I feel that iPhone lacks personality. What really says that my iPhone is exclusively my iPhone? Their cold, characterless machines that do the job just as well as the cute robot or the very pretty Windows Phone. I am not saying that Apple are crap or that everyone should stop using them I'm just saying that I'm bored of the same thing being carted out year after year for them and that we should be able to embrace the fact that Android, Blackberry, Windows... whatever do exactly the same job essentially. For God's sake, they're phones and they let you call people, isn't that enough.
... rant over!
*(14/5/14) Update, I got a Nexus 5*