Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Agit8: Bring protest songs back into the public eye.

I was watching BBC Breakfast this morning and I was looking at my computer at the same time as you do when you're not doing anything but something caught my attention. It was a man talking about Agit8 which is a campaign being run by ONE trying to get world leaders at the G8 Summit to tackle world issues such as war, poverty and AIDs more efficiently. The way they are doing this is by getting some of our most loved artists and encouraging them to perform their favourite protest songs. Naturally, I spent the rest of my day watching videos and learning about the campaign instead of revising but it's for a good cause and I'm now 100% behind it.

They really are trying to do good stuff so check out their website and check out the videos below to educate yourself if you haven't already. 


Just a note: this is not the same as the Anti-Capitalism protesters - this is completely different even though I'm not pro Capitalism myself!

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