I also became politically motivated and came to realise that although Mr Barlow was a very charitable man, doing a lot of work for Children In Need, he was still a greedy capitalist who took any chance to exploit the thousands of adoring fans he had grinned at so smugly when he announced the split of Take That in the 90s. He then reminded us of how much of a money grabbing prick he was by replacing Simon Cowell's role on The XFactor.
As of this week it has come to light that he and fellow band mates Mark Owen and Howard Donald had held back £63 million from the tax man. Greedy bastard. Imagine what that money could be going toward... he could have given it away to charities, given it back to the government to improve the lives of millions of British people yet he kept it for himself!
My hatred for this man is growing day by day and with it I am hating a group that I was so fond of growing up more and more.
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