Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Leave JK Rowling alone.

98 days until the Scottish referendum, will it go ahead or won't it? Are we reaching our final days as the "Great Britain" we know and hold dear? Nobody knows. SNP stickers are popping up all over Twitter making it seem that the party had lots of support (although by that logic the rest of Twitter is against it) including celebrities and journalists (many of whom are not Scottish/ or live in Scotland). The "Better Together" campaign, less so on Twitter although they too have had a lot of support from onlooking celebrities.

One of the celebrities is writer J K Rowling who recently came out in support of the "No" campaign by giving them £1million. This has sparked outrage amongst SNP supporters who think she needs to shut up. Granted, Rowling is only 1/4 Scottish and so you could argue that her view is biased and invalid but she is a highly intelligent woman who has made millions through the Harry Potter franchise, a franchise that has brought happiness to millions all over the world. Despite her wealth, Rowling is a long running Labour Party supporter and regularly donates to charities and good causes. This is why SNP supporter's reactions sadden me deeply.

Throughout the day, many Scots have called J K Rowling a Tory which is unfair and completely wrong. As a Scottish person, I get deeply offended by generalisations made and satire found in the Scottish people -"Monopoly money" is a term I particularly hate. I do agree with the view that the English (overall) underestimate and undermine the Scottish (and Welsh) people subconsciously. The misconception that "English" and "British" are synonyms, the change in the media of Andy Murray being "British" or "Scottish" depending on whether or not he won the final of a competition or not. The undermining of Scottish sport in general. I get it and I hate it. Despite this, I am not a suspect of using double standards. Just because Scots are met with prejudice by some of the English doesn't mean we should subject the English to the same kind of prejudices. Just because Rowling is English does not mean she is a Conservative. Just because she dares have an opinion does not mean she is a bitch or any less of a successful human being.

People are rich and sometimes they give to needy causes. Yes, she could have given to food banks or to the poor but she didn't, she gave to the "No" campaign and in my opinion that money will go to good use. She is just as entitled to have a voice and an opinion as you or I - so let her. Just because Thatcher was a bitch doesn't mean that every successful woman in England is too!

Here is her statement.
Here is a selection of Scotland's finest political opinions.

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