1314 is a date that has rung through the Scottish media with great volume over the past few years. Being the year of Bannockburn, the date has a huge amount of significance to Scotland as we beat the English against the odds sending them homeward to think again. 700 years on, Scotland faces a new battle with England, the battle for independence.
Many see what Salmond is doing. It is clear that he deliberately chose 2014 as the year of the referendum because of Bannockburn in order to obtain as many "yes" votes as possible. He hopes to rouse up the Scots with ancient jingoism and delusional patriotism. The idea of 'fighting for freedom' will appeal to many Scottish citizens who have a chip on their shoulder about how the "English" have oppressed and exploited them throughout history although the idea that the English hate the Scottish is yet another misconception. In fact, living in England and being being Scottish by birth and by ancestry, I see a lot more hatred being subjected from Scotland's court than England's.
"Nationalist" Scots confuse the English for the Tories, which is of course is a ridiculous and xenophobic statement to make. Yes, Thatcher fucked Scotland right over and the reason Scotland faces so many of the problems it does is down to her and her elitist government but she also fucked over Wales and everywhere north of Leicester. A lot of Scotland's hatred is based on the assumption that all English people voted for Thatcher and compliment her policies. This is not true in the slightest. It is probably an accurate statement that without Scotland in the Union, Labour will face real difficulty gaining power in U.K Government but that's not to say that austerity hating, worker loving people don't exist in England. It's very far from the truth. The SNP are not turning on their enemy, rather the opposite, they are turning on a true ally.
Back to Bannockburn. People were outraged that Armed Forces Day was on the same day as the Bannockburn celebrations and claimed the clash had an underlying agenda. Not the case. There has been no mention of Bannockburn in England (in fact if ashamed to say that it would have gone straight over my head if I hadn't been told by my Gran), as far as I know it isn't on David Cameron's radar at all. This is a sting but extinguished the idea of agenda on the Conservatives' part. This is because a battle 700 years ago is irrelevant to today's society.
Yes, it is Scotland's heritage but honestly, how many of us actually can safely say that 700 years ago their ancestor actually fought against Edward? I know that I can't. Just over 100 years ago, the majority of my family were living in Ireland. I also have descendants from Northern Europe. I know that really, my ancestors probably didn't fight at Bannockburn and would say that most Scots are the same. Also this is ancient Scotland we are talking about. The Scotland fought over in 1314 is in no way the Scotland we see now. We cannot take political and cultural inspiration from something that happened close to a millennium ago. Take the American constitution, although Republicans frequently tell us that 'the constitution states I have a right to _____ because of the _____ amendment' (written in 1787), it is a document that is becoming increasingly irrelevant to many of its citizens as the America of the founding fathers is no longer the America we have today. This is a document that until 1918 didn't allow women to vote in America - it is obviously obsolete and out of touch with the modern world.This is a way of thinking that is almost 500 years younger than Bannockburn yet we are told to believe that it is our destiny to take it further.
The Scots that fought at Bannockburn are not the Scots that will vote this September in terms of politics and culture. This was in the days of feudal society and clans. Today, Scotland is a place of materialism and class. Your surname is of no more importance in terms of status than the kind of toilet roll you buy. We are not Ancient Scotland, we are Modern Scotland. The Scotland that Robert the Bruce fought for no longer exists so why take influence from it when September comes?
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