Thursday, 22 May 2014


My day has been lightened (although there is currently a storm brewing outside). Yesterday UKIP Harrowgate started up the #whyimvotingukip campaign again as a final push in morale before today's European elections. Over the course of Wednesday, UKIP supporters came out in their thousands raving about their lovely, immigrant-free, 100% British utopia which obviously got the hashtag trending and into the public eye. I don't think anyone really expected the retaliation.

When my friend on Facebook added a link to the hashtag's feed on his wall, I was sceptical as I thought it would be exactly what I've described above but no. There has been one of the biggest backfire I think I've ever seen on Twitter. There isn't even a piece of praise there any more... the whole hashtag has become a complete joke. Here are a few of my favourites:

I sent this to my UKIP supporting friend and he responded trying to back it with "It was planned" "It gives them headlines" etc... but no, it wasn't. The campaign was restarted again by UKIP Harrogate's twitter feed which since then has mysteriously gone private. The whole thing is a massive backfire for UKIP. Although they are supposed to do really well in today's election, the British public do not want UKIP in power and on top of that the majority of us see UKIP as nothing more than a massive joke. As I say to people when I'm talking about the party and their many blunders: yes, UKIP want to be treated as seriously as the rest of the parties but with that they need to behave like the other parties. All politicians have things in their heads that would upset the public but most have the restraint to keep it there. Over the past year so many UKIP representatives have been suspended because the public (not the party) have been outraged by their comments - including Mr Farage earlier this week with his comment of Romanians which he put down to being him being tired. We don't get that from other parties because they know what is right and wrong to say in public.

Do everyone a favour. Take control of your country, vote for anyone but UKIP.

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Who have/are you voting for? Leave me a comment.


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