Friday, 16 May 2014

Morrissey has Twitter!?

Here is Morrissey with a cat.
Who is the maniac that has allowed one of the most outspoken, controversial people in the world a twitter account? Do they realise what they have done? They have given someone who pisses at least one person off per week a means of accessing just about every person in the world in a matter of seconds. Welcome to World War 3...

Of course I am very excited about this announcement as Morrissey is my king and I treat everything he says as if it were in a religious text but oh my... we are all going to die!!

Obviously, the account is to accompany his new single (below) and forthcoming album and to be quite honest, I do think twitter will suit him well as God knows there are so many loud mouth arseholes that must be silenced by his wrath, *cough cough* Katie Hopkins. 

We'll see...


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